Sliding socket F-2.5 female 6.3x0.8 1.0-2.5 GB0.38 L19.2 (sold in 100 pieces) ELMOT visible price for 1 pieceSliding socket F-2.5 female 6.3x0.8 1.0-2.5 GB0.38 L19.2 (sold in 100 pieces) ELMOT visible price for 1 pieceSliding socket F-2.5 female 6.3x0.8 1.0-2.5 GB0.38 L19.2 (sold in 100 pieces) ELMOT visible price for 1 piece
Sliding socket F-2.5 female 6.3x0.8 1.0-2.5 GB0.38 L19.2 (sold in 100 pieces) ELMOT visible price for 1 piece
Sliding socket F-2.5 female 6.3x0.8 1.0-2.5 GB0.38 L19.2 (sold in 100 pieces) ELMOT visible price for 1 piece
Sliding socket F-2.5 female 6.3x0.8 1.0-2.5 GB0.38 L19.2 (sold in 100 pieces) ELMOT visible price for 1 piece
Weight: 0.010 [kg]
CN code: 700721200

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